
55% French citizens want protests against pension reform to continue: Survey

Paris, May 4 (UNI): At least 55% of French citizens support the continuation of protest demonstrations against the pension reform, a survey conducted by the French Institute of Public Opinion (IFOP) for the Sud Radio broadcaster, said on Thursday.

“Regarding the protests against the pension reform, 55% of the French say they want the popular mobilization against the reform (strikes, demonstrations) to continue,” the IFOP said.


Besides, 74% of respondents believe that France might face a social explosion in the coming months, according to the survey.

The poll was conducted among 1,008 French citizens aged 18 and over from May 2-3.

On April 14, the French Constitutional Council approved the key article of the pension reform bill, which would gradually raise the age of retirement in France from 62 to 64 years by 2030. The reform sparked a strong backlash, prompting people to take to the streets across the country. Over a dozen of nationwide demonstrations against the reform have taken place already, with several protests organised by unions attracting over 1 million supporters across France.

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