Follow basic hygiene to avoid painful pink eyes

The ‘pink eye’ as it is commonly called is on the rise. Various hospitals in the state have seen a rise in patients with pink eye this week. So is the case in most of the regions of India.
Come monsoon, the floods and the humidity provide a welcoming atmosphere to viruses and bacteria alike.
As it is said, prevention is better than cure. There are a few things which you need to remember:
- Wash your hands frequently with clean water.
- Avoid touching your eyes.
- Do not share towels.
- Clean pillow covers regularly and keep them separate from bed linen.
- Keep a hand sanitiser handy.
The silver lining of this disease is that it is usually self-limiting, but it is highly contagious and can spread like a forest fire in schools, offices, swimming pools, families and closely knit communities.
Patients with pink eyes will usually complain of irritation, watering, intolerance to light and reddish colour of the eyes. Switching to covid appropriate behaviour sans the mask will usually help it resolve within seven to 10 days. Giving rest to the eyes and the phones and laptops and television and tablets will go a long way in helping the eyes heal. This is the time to take rest at home (so as not to spread it to others) and indulge in the ears by giving them a treat of music one loves, podcasts and audio-books. Do not use over-the-counter antibiotics and steroid drops. The latter can be dangerous, and the author has seen a few patients whose eyes had completely melted away because of the use of the latter. These medicines are double-edged swords.
It is when the eyes become swollen, lids become sticky and matted and there is excessive thick discharge that one should see a doctor, for this signifies superadded bacterial infection. Appropriate antibiotics at this stage can assist in faster recovery. If there is an associated decrease in vision, excessive pain, severe intolerance to light, and excessive discharge, seek help at the earliest.
There is no need to use the fourth-generation antibiotic drops like Moxifloxacin in conjunctivitis. Rampant use of the newer antibiotics will only give rise to resistance and make them ineffective for use in severe vision-threatening eye infections.
Adopt ways to limit the spread by practising eye hygiene.
Use boiled and clean, cool water for washing your eyes. If that is unavailable, filtered water can be used. Do not rub your eyes.
Try not to touch things shared with others. Wash hands before applying eye drops.
If more than one member of a family is affected, do not share eye drops. Do not share linen, towels and handkerchiefs.
Do not send children to school if they have red, watering eyes,
Avoid going to work or take public transport if your eyes are red. Do not apply herbs, rosewater, honey, breast milk or calcium powder to your eyes. Keep washing your hands frequently. Wear dark goggles if you must go out.
‘This too shall pass’ is a mantra that is very useful during these times of pain and irritation in the eyes. Spread this message and not this disease.