
Foreign forces failed in their objectives: Karzai

Kabul, June 21 (UNI): Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai has claimed in an interview that the foreign forces that came to Afghanistan in 2001 with the objective of fighting extremism and bringing stability to the country are leaving without achieving any of the two objectives.

“The international community came here 20 years ago with this clear objective of fighting extremism and bringing stability… but extremism is at the highest point today. So, they have failed,” he told AP in an interview on Sunday.


He was not impressed by the legacy of the foreign forces as he described it as a “total disgrace and disaster”. He felt that the foreign forces are leaving Afghanistan in a precarious situation.

“We recognise as Afghans all our failures, but what about the bigger forces and powers who came here for exactly that purpose? Where are they leaving us now?” he asked and answered, “In total disgrace and disaster.”

The former President felt that Afghanistan should learn to stand on its own feet and are better off without foreign forces.

“We will be better off without their military presence,” he said, adding, “I think we should defend our own country and look after our own lives. … Their presence (has given us) what we have now. … We don’t want to continue with this misery and indignity that we are facing. It is better for Afghanistan that they leave.”

Afghanistan over the past few months has seen a rise in in violence between Government forces and the Taliban.

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