Shillong, July 31: The state government will enhance the salary of non-teaching SSA staff by 25 percent but the agitating employees are demanding 80 percent.
The financial implication for the current financial year will be Rs 15,98,13,000.
Special Officer-incharge Education department and State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha (SEMAM) & Director of School Education & Literacy, Meghalaya on July 26 said in order, “In inviting a reference to the subject cited above, I am directed to convey government’s approval for 25% enhancement of salary of the office staff of Samagra Shiksha (Non-Academic) at the state, district and block MIS, DEO and accountant with effect from the financial year 2024-2025 (i.e. April 1st, 2024). This approval is issued in pursuance of Finance (EA) Department’s letter dated July 18, 2024. This has the approval of the “Competent Authority”.
Earlier in the day, the Commissioner and Secretary Vijay Mantri went to Malki Football ground to meet the agitating staff and later returned as he could not find anyone.
The leaders of the agitating group were called for a meeting at 3.pm but no one turned up.
Later in the evening, Mantri met them and explained about the position of the government.
According to Mantri, the demands have been conveyed to the CM. The chief minister called an urgent internal meeting with officers to discuss and decide on their demands. “The chief minister also spoke to them over phone and informed them that the government would consider their demands positively”, Mantri added.