Mukroh judicial panel concludes Guwahati hearing

Shillong, July 2: After the cross-examination of Ranjit Musahary, the officer-in charge ( OC) of Mokoilum outpost and Kajal Nath, the OC of Jirikendeng, on June 20, some more witnesses fron Assam were examined in Guwahati.
During the last hearing on June 21 in Guwahati, Meghalaya was represented by its counsel AS Pandey and Assam by its counsel D Gogoi. TL Jyrwa and J Shylla, the counsels representing the villagers of Mukroh and the Commission respectively were present.
The examination of the leftover witness, Kajal Nath ,the 0C of Jirikendeng PS was completed. Two more witnesses of Assam, indranil Baruah, APS (AGW-4) and MK Yadava, IFS, PCCF and HOFF (AGW-5) were also examined and discharged.
The matter will come up in Shillong on July 6-7 to examine the remaining witnesses of the Assam government.