Shillong, Oct 8: As many as 1354 have been identified as duplicate electors who have their names enrolled in two different places, while 23161 have been marked ‘expired’ as on October 8, 2025
Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) BDR Tiwari shared the data with the media persons while announcing the schedule for the Special Summary Revision (SRS) of electoral roll 2025 on Tuesday.
Of the total 22,41,984 electors as on October 8, 21,79,106 electors were verified,
The house to house verified percentage is 97.20%.
As part of the SSR 2025 exercise, the CEO held a meeting with political parties.
Tiwari said meetings with political parties at CEO and all district election officers (DEOs) levels will be held on a regular basis till publication of final electoral rolls.
Two copies of the complete set of draft electoral rolls and final electoral rolls immediately after draft and final publication respectively will be supplied free of cost to recognized political parties in public meetings.
Tiwari said that as per existing policy of the Election Commission of India, the Annual Summary Revision with reference to the 1st January of the coming year as qualifying date is normally conducted in the later part of each year in all states/UTs so that final publication of electoral roll is made in the first week of January of the succeeding year.
As per the provisions in Section 14 of the Representation of People Act, 1950, four qualifying dates (st January, 1st April, 1st July & 1st October) are available and therefore Annual Summary Revision is conducted with reference to 1st January of the succeeding year as qualifying date, along with seeking advance application for three subsequent qualifying dates that is 1st April, 1st July and 1st October of the year.
“The Commission has decided to carry out Annual Summary Revision with reference to January 1, 2025 as the qualifying date in all States & UTs except Haryana, Jharkhand, Maharashtra and UT of Jammu & Kashmir, in such a manner that the electoral rolls are finally published much before National Voters’ Day (January 25 of every year) so that EPICs generated for new electors especially young voters (18-19 years) can be distributed to them in ceremonial manner on the day of National Voters Day (NVD),” he said.
There are two stages of conducting revision exercise of electoral roll, namely, pre-revision activities and revision activity, the CEO said.
For the purpose of achieving good quality electoral rolls, pre-revision activities are given equal weightage as that of revision activity.
On the schedule of the special summary revision of electoral roll 2025, the CEO said under the pre-revision activities, the House to House (H2H) verification through BLOs, rationalization/re-arrangement of polling stations, removal of discrepancies in the electoral roll/EPIC (eg dead, duplicates, shifted electors, etc) and improvement quality of photographs, wherever necessary – have started from August 20 and will end on October 18. Preparation of integrated draft roll with reference to January 1, 2025 as the qualifying date will be completed by October 28.
Regarding revision activities, he said publication of integrated draft electoral roll will be on October 29, period for filing claims & objections will be from October 29 to November 28, special campaign dates have been fixed on November 15 and 16 & November 21 and 22, disposal of claims and objections by December 24 and final publication of electoral roll will be on January 6, 2025.