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Need for best practices in implementing a policy

Policy implementation can be viewed from various angles & should've guidelines, processes and connect to people

Implementing a policy is a process of translating decisions made by policymakers to realise the same into concrete actions. Primarily it includes floating decisions into programmes, projects and activities. It also includes monitoring and evaluating the success and failure of the same. One should bear in mind that successful policy implementation goes beyond mere enactment — it requires thoughtful execution and ongoing assessment.

Any policy implementation should not only be simple but also meaningful. To do this, one of the first things to be kept in mind is the objectives, which should be crystal clear to ensure that all stakeholders understand and participate in the success of the policy. A good way to understand and ensure clarity is to see that the goal is accurate, manageable and achievable.


Following this, develop a matrix to measure the progress since policies require adjustments based on the evolving circumstances. For example, in the space of public policy, lack of time and space can be a challenge. Monitoring a policy implementation is important because it not only sees progress but also identifies delays and lacunae and provides scope for improvement and adjustments.

Adaptation plays an important role since one cannot follow the principle of a ‘one-shoe-fits-all’ approach. Finally, one needs to move towards accomplishing the set objectives. To do this, break down the activities into small parts that can be managed.

Read: Technology and Communication in the space of public policy

Often policy development and policy implementation do not match and sometimes appear to be vague. Hence, policymakers should remember the implementation aspects while developing a policy. If the policies are designed well, and discussed with stakeholders then these initiatives tend to be more effective.

Often there is a gap between what policymakers want and how policy is delivered. Implementing a policy can become a challenge if not matched and designed well. Since it involves a range of audiences/stakeholders, articulation of the same needs to be understood by all. “Understanding, interpretation and implementation” needs to serve as a motto for the process.

Dimensions of Policy Implementation
Factors Description
Create and adapt §  Understand content and process

§  Have clear aims and objectives

§  Is it acceptable to all stakeholders?

Social, Political and Economic Context §  Do they enhance or hinder effective implementation?

§  What are the effects and consequences of these factors?

Effective Leadership §  Are they committed and responsible?

§  Do they put into practice what they introduce?

Role of Stakeholders §  Are they involved throughout the process?

§  Do they understand their roles and responsibilities?

§  Are they collaborators or competitors?

Planning and resource mobilisation §  Is there a blueprint available/developed?

§  Is there a training plan designed and delivered?

§  Have appropriate funds been allocated?

Usage and coordination §  Is there a common understanding of the policy?

§  Do stakeholders know what will be the implications of changes?

§  What are the challenges they could foresee?

Feedback mechanisms §  Meet regularly to understand and disseminate information

§  Assess progress toward achieving results

§  How is the information used?

Source: Adapted from Taking the Pulse of Policy: The Policy Implementation Assessment Tool, USAID, 2010

Enablers of Policy Implementation

Several factors ensure the success of policy implementation. The key factors include:

  • Strong leadership from a political perspective to reshape directives and programmes. A consistent leadership enables the implementation phase and ensures continuity. Several studies point out that there should be a “craftsman” style of approach by a leader to see that there is a strong focus on developing sustainable relationships and managing complexities.
  • Develop a systematic communication loop to share information and receive information, reactions, and suggestions. This also helps identify the implementation progress and ensure that milestones are achieved.
  • Develop a vibrant and strong feedback mechanism between policymakers and end users. This should be regular, consistent, understood and reviewed. By doing so the implementation process will show some positivity.

Best Practices

To ensure that policy implementation is useful and attempts to reach the desired aims policymakers need to bear in mind some key points. Some of the key steps include:

  1. Clearly define policies: There should be clear objectives, procedures, processes and scope. Simple language should be used to ensure that it reaches the audience.
  2. Conduct a feasible study to identify possible risks and challenges that may be associated with the said policy. Based on this develop a mitigation strategy.
  3. Involve all relevant stakeholders in the process to understand their perspectives and insights.
  4. Expound an ideal communication strategy to ensure that the right message is conveyed to a diverse audience.
  5. Develop platforms for people/stakeholders to understand the same by conducting training programmes and interactive sessions to enable them to understand and comply with the policy.
  6. Roll out the policy in a well-planned manner and phases for better acceptance and understanding. This helps in receiving feedback for improvement or to make changes.
  7. Conduct regular reviews and do not allow policies to be static. Make appropriate changes based on the situation.
  8. Invite feedback from stakeholders and encourage them to highlight any challenges/issues and suggest ideas for changes.
  9. Maintain reports and document all information to see the effectiveness of the policy.

Understanding the implementation of policies can be viewed from various angles. Policy implementation should have guidelines and processes and connect to people. Most policies become living documents and do not end with just implementation.

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