New unit to help farmers in EJH villages sell agri produce
Horticulture Collection Centre at Bataw initiative of Maitlynti society

Shillong, Oct 17: A Horticulture Collection Centre cum office of the Maitlynti Rural Development Society (MRDS) was inaugurated by Social Welfare Minister Kyrmen Shylla at Bataw in East Jaintia Hills on October 14.
The main purpose of the centre is to procure agricultural and horticultural produce from farmers, especially small and marginal cultivators who cannot afford to go to the city, at market price.
According to the secretary of the society, Deihok Sumer, the farmers will be assisted in many ways to improve and enhance their economy through trainings, adoption of better technologies and practices, including reintroduction of lost variety seeds of cash crops.
Shylla said he and the officers of East Jaintia Hills “will surely help farmers through the Society as they have full trust and confidence in it as it has shown signs of progress within a few years”.
The inauguration programme was attended by about 500 people, including farmers, headmen and district horticulture officers.
Bataw village is the centre of activities for several adjoining villages. The nearest main market is about 30 km away and farthest one is 50 km and farmers cannot afford the high transportation cost.