Poet Maya Angelou: First Black woman on US coin

Washington, Jan 11 (UNI): The US Treasury has minted coins featuring image of poet Maya Angelou, the first black woman to have been on the US 25-cent coin.
According to Mint, it has started shipping the first coins in the American Women Quarters (AWQ) Program.
The coins will begin to be shipped later this year and through 2025.
“Each 2022 quarter is designed to reflect the breadth and depth of accomplishments being celebrated throughout this historic coin program. Maya Angelou, featured on the reverse of this first coin in the series, used words to inspire and uplift,” said Mint Deputy Director Ventris C. Gibson on Monday.
Angelou was a writer, poet, performer, social activist, and teacher. She gained international prominence with her autobiography I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.