
PWD to repair road from Goraline Laitumkhrah to MES: Hek

Shillong, Apr 4: The PWD (Road) Shillong central division will repair the road from Goraline Laitumkhrah to MES, according to

Cabinet Minister AL Hek.

Speaking to reporters on Thursday,  Hek said that the road had already been handed over by the defence to the state PWD.


“Since the road is in deteriorated and in a dilapidated condition, I have written a letter about 2-3 weeks back to Brigadier MES who is also the chief engineer MES Shillong zone and today through telephone he informed that the road now is under the jurisdiction of state PWD” Hek said.

The minister said earlier the road from MES which led up to Rynjah, Demseiniong, Nongmensong and Polo fell under his constituency but after delimitation the road was left unattended for so long.

“Being a resident of the area I was very much concerned, so immediately I called the Shillong central division to inquire about the work progress and I was told that the work is already started from Goraline and eventually the repairing will also take place in MES road”, he added.

Hek said the stretch or the road is more than 1 kilometer when combined from Goraline via MES road till the main road of Demseiniong.

“I have already requested the Brigadier if possible to part land for expansion of the road and also for the construction of the footpath for the pedestrian” he said.

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