Who is a traitor?

One who is frightened of humanity, one who is disrespectful of his culture, beliefs, and traditions, is the one who attempts to ruin his land as well as humanity.
A person who shies away from the realities of his land and culture is the one who does not love his country. When the motherland is in distress and fellow citizens are living in fear, but one does not show an iota of emotion or reacts to the realities, then that person is akin to a child who is oblivious to the world. When one does not get love and affection in the motherland, he is quick to depart from his land as well as dear ones and family members.
When love towards his country is lacking, the person tends to know little about the values of traditions and his mother tongue. He also lacks the spirit of knowing the language.
When one’s heart is away from the motherland, he often shows characteristics like insulting one’s motherland, forgetting one’s culture and traditions, imitation of other lifestyles, searching for a different citizenship, and is never ready to defend one’s country. There is always a chance to lie and betray his own people.
In today’s time, the high number of mixed marriages is one of the main causes of lack of development and growth of the community and even extinction of races, languages, traditions, and cultures. The daughters of this generation have in particular forgotten their traditions and avoid participating in traditional activities like dancing, singing, crafts, music and others. With the coming of technology, many are likely to to watch traditional festivals, especially those held annually, on social media rather than reaching the spot to witness the grandeur. The imitation of other living styles speaks volumes about the degradation of the community as a whole. The sale of its land and resources to foreigners and the occupation of migrants, indicates that the migrants have captured the rights of the indigenous community that is already at the edge of extinction. This could also be seen with trades and businesses where foreigners are much more promoted and developed compared to the local residents. The traitor is one who is less bothered about his land and people.
Therefore, let us be wise and that it is never too late to find ways and means to populate and promote our land traditionally. Let us be united in extending our support for the betterment of the entire community. Let us love and honour our motherland, and its tradition and culture. As true children of the motherland, let us preserve the culture and rituals to set an example for generations to come. Hence, by preserving our culture, we can make other communities to follow in our footsteps.