
ACHIK serves seven-day ultimatum to govt for restrospetive roster system

Shillong, June 27: The Achik Conscious Holistically Integrated Krima (ACHIK) has served a seven-day ultimatum to the state government to implement Reservation Roster retrospectively.

Cabinet minister and government spokesperson Ampareen Lyngdoh on Tuesday said the government will implement the roster system prospectively.


He said failure to heed the ultimatum will have serious consequences for the government’s reputation and the trust by the people.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, ACHIK president Thomas M Marak said, “Today, we are issuing an ultimatum to the Meghalaya Government, demanding immediate and decisive action to implement the Roster System retrospectively in all public sector organisations, departments, and educational institutions.This response should outline the specific steps your government will take, along with a timeline for their execution.

According to the organisation, historical injustices need to be corrected and the government should ensure equal opportunities for all citizens.

The retrospective implementation of the roster system is not a mere suggestion; it is a constitutional mandate that cannot be ignored”, Marak said.

He said the continued denial of opportunities to marginalised communities will perpetuate social inequality and hinder progress. The citizens of Meghalaya will not stand idle while their rights and aspirations are disregarded, he said.

On historical injustices, he said the marginalised communities, such as Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), and Other Backward Classes (OBC), have long faced discrimination and social exclusion. The retrospective implementation of the roster system allows for rectifying historical injustices by providing these communities with equitable opportunities that were denied to them in the past,” he said.

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