
Bernard alleges corruption in central house scheme in Garo Hills

Shillong, April 25: BJP MDC Bernard Marak has alleged corruption in the implementation of the Prime Minister Awaas Yojana (PMAY) in Garo Hills and said there is an attempt to cover up the misappropriation.

In a statement issued on Sunday, Marak said people in Tura were “badly affected” during a storm recently. “Politicians who diverted the fund sanctioned for pucca houses under PMAY are paying Rs 3,000-5,000 to victims instead of Rs 1.3 lakh to cover up the scam of pucca houses sanctioned by the BJP-led NDA government,” he added.


The newly elected MDC alleged that the poor are suffering as they are still living in kuchha houses.

In Tura, several women applied for PMAY houses four years ago through Tura Municipal Board but there was no construction. “To cover up the mess, the leaders are paying meagre amount to the victims to cover up the scam… in Tura town. Interestingly, after assuring the PMAY schemes to the people of Tura, Tura Municipal Board now replied to an RTI query that they are not dealing with PMAY schemes. The public was made to pay the holding taxes and clear dues in false assurance of PMAY,” Marak said.

“I will seek details of this scheme and BJP teams will monitor every scheme… and ensure that every scheme reaches the right people cutting through party lines,” he added.

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