KC Boro asks Mawrie to step down, rejects suspension notice
BJP leader reiterates support to Hek

Shillong, July 22: Suspended BJP leader KC Boro said the action against him by the state party president Ernest Mawrie is not justified and instead asked him to step down.
“ It is really unfortunate that under your leadership as the president, the party has split vertically which is unexpected and very detrimental to the party and I feel , you don’t have any moral right to continue as the president and should step down from the post in the greater interest of the party owning moral responsibility and prove that you really love the party and has the sense of responsibility”, Boro said in his reply to the showcause notice.
Opposing his suspension notice, Boro even went on to say that the BJP is not anybody’s father’s property and asserted that every action should be justified.
The show cause notice was issued to Boro on July 9 and he replied to it on July 16.
Boro said his suspension was without any prior notice or without giving him any chance to explain.
He pointed out that the showcause notice was issued only after Mawrie suspended him.
Boro wanted to know what prompted Mawrie to suspend him as he has been singled out.
“This is nothing but misuse of your power which clearly indicates your ugly intention and pre-decision to take action against me. By doing so, neither you will earn any good name nor the party will gain anything. You are rather damaging the party,” Boro said.
Referring to his media statement issued on July 6, Boro said that while supporting the statement of Bashailang Khongwir, BJP National Council Member, he had only said that most of the party leaders from Garo Hills- without mentioning any particular area- were also looking for a change and they would welcome the possible decision of the BJP central leaders to hand over the post of president to cabinet minister AL Hek.
Boro said supporting Hek was for the greater interest of the party and this is not anti-party activity.
Boro asserted that although unpleasant, it is s true that most of the party leaders do not want Mawrie to continue as the president of the party. “They desire for a change and want AL Hek. I will prove it at the appropriate time if and when such a time arises and I got the full list of it,”Boro said.
According g to Boro, Mawrie has failed to lead the party to a right direction.
“Right from the time you have taken over as the president, instead of maintaining cordial relationship with the party members/karyakartas and giving them right direction , you have always warned and threatened them of taking drastic action , suspension , expulsion etc. in the name of so called ‘ anti party activities ‘ without any reason. You even restrict the movement of party leaders. No party leader is allowed to move from his/her district to other districts for party’s organisational works. You have compelled the party leaders to remain confined within their respective districts and further, you do not allow any leader to do anything, not even to hold any party meeting in the interest of the party without prior permission from you which is not possible all the time. And, these are the reasons why Mr. John Manner Marak , Ex – MLA , the then state vice president resigned from his post,” Boro said.
The BJP leader said even he was restricted by Mawrie to visit other districts for the party works. “It is really unfortunate that you have even restricted Thomas Marak who is the state general secretary to move from his district to any other district for party’s any organisational works and these are nothing but your dictatorial style of functioning which proves that you do not have any cordial relationship and good understanding with the party leaders and karyakartas except your chosen limited few. And these are the reasons that already more than 18 party leaders have resigned from their respective posts which is a great loss to the party.”
He also pointed out these are the reasons that the party lost two confirmed seats- Naguapara and Shyamnagar in the GHADC elections and set back in 2 to 3 other seats too.