
KSU for ILP, ANWU protests demanding workers’ regularisation in NEHU

Demands include ILP & regularisation of causual workers

Shillong,May 21: The KSU and All NEHU Workers Union (ANWU) on Saturday protested demanding ILP and regularisation of causual workers respectively.

Thec KSU activists held placards and protested as the VIPs entered the gate of NEHU, saying yes to ILP and no to CAA.


Both the activists of KSU and the ANWU  stood at the entry gate of NEHU for long  demanding the implementation of ILP and workers’ rights.

Speaking on behalf of the ANWU, Napolean Mawphniang said there are some causual workers who have been rendering service in NEHU for the last 30 years but they have not been regularised.

He said though many representations were submitted, the NEHU authorities are yet to address their grievances.

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