Look beautiful without make-up with simple beauty regime

Are you tired of applying a number of makeup products every morning to look pretty? There are also instances where you have to go bare-faced. Who swims with full-on makeup, complete with winged-tip liners and contours? Let’s face it, you can’t wear makeup all the time.
So, instead of devising ways to sneak a hint of makeup on your skin, why not improve the quality of your skin and figure out other ways to make you look prettier without the makeup?
If you want to look good without spending hours in front of the mirror every day, then it’s time to give your skin a break. So, here we bring you natural ways to enhance your looks without any makeup.
You need to be mindful of essential aspects of your diet, your habits, your lifestyle and your skincare routine.
Wash your face twice daily. Skincare is a key factor in looking good without makeup. Wash your skin twice a day preferably in the morning and at night with a herbal facial that is suited to your skin type to get rid of dust and pollutants.
Overwashing can make your skin dry and irritable, causing it to look worse rather than better. Develop a skin regimen for your face and stick to it. The CTM routine that is cleansing, toning, and moisturising is imperative for healthy skin.
A good facial massage every other day can reduce the appearance of fine lines, tighten your skin, and make it appear more radiant. Besides, it also makes you feel relieved from stress and rejuvenated.
Face packs play a vital role in skin care because they are rich in nutrients, moisturizers, vitamins, and minerals that are beneficial for the skin.
The regular use of packs lets your skin soak up the mask to absorb all the goodness that is found in the ingredients and helps you achieve a glowing and youthful look and delay ageing signs.
Based on your skin type, prepare a mask that fits your needs, put it on and relax! You can use ingredients like honey, aloe vera, gram flour, yogurt, oatmeal, and fruits, as these are some very popular options for homemade masks.
Depending on the kind of mask you use, some masks are designed to pull out impurities, hydrate your skin, or infuse your skin with mega doses of feel-good nutrients.
A healthy diet is exceptionally vital. Looking and feeling healthy has a lot to do with what you put into your body. A sufficient intake of protein and vitamins is absolutely essential for the maintenance and repair of your skin. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet and drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin nourished and hydrated. When thirsty, opt for a cool and refreshing glass of water with fruits or try to consume more fruits and vegetables full of water content, such as watermelon and cucumber.
We lose water through breathing, sweating, urination, and digestion so it is important to rehydrate and replenish the water that we have used.
Our body uses water to help regulate our body’s temperature and carry out other bodily functions.
Most people prefer to drink carbonated drinks or sugar-packed artificial juices. Although it still contains water, it also contains other ingredients that may not be healthy for us.
Take a vitamin supplement if you feel you are not getting all of your daily requirements from your diet alone. Vitamins A, C, and E are all particularly beneficial for the skin. Try to cut out as many greasy, fatty, sugary foods as possible and load up on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats instead.
The Do’s and Don’ts of skin care should be kept in mind.
Night-time cleansing is a must, in order to remove dirt, pollutants, stale sweat, oil, dead skin cells and make-up that are deposited on the skin during the day.
Do protect your skin with broad-spectrum sunscreen. Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before sun-exposure. If you are in the sun for more than an hour, re-apply the sunscreen. A sunscreen with SPF 20 is adequate for most skins. For sensitive skin that burns easily, use sunscreen with higher SPF.
The use of scrubs is an integral part of skin care. It helps to remove dead skin cells, unclog pores and brightens the skin.
Moisture helps to keep the skin soft, smooth, supple and youthful. Moisturisers are available in both liquid and cream forms. For dry skin, use a creamy moisturiser. It should also be applied under make-up.
Nourishing is important for normal to dry skin. It helps to keep the skin lubricated and soft, so that it can hold moisture. After cleansing the skin at night, apply nourishing cream and massage it on the skin for 2 to 3 minutes. Wipe off with moist cotton wool.
Don’t wash the face with soap and water more than 2 or 3 times a day. Alkaline soaps can disrupt the normal pH balance and leave the skin prone to acne.
Avoid heavy moisturisers on oily skin as the pores can get clogged, leading to blackheads and acne. For oily skin, mix 100 ml rose water with one teaspoon pure glycerine. Keep in an airtight bottle in the fridge. Apply this lotion to moisturise a normal to oily and combination skin.
Don’t apply facial scrub on skin with pimples, acne or rash. Don’t pick or pinch blackheads and pimples.
Don’t stretch or pull the skin around eyes while removing make-up. Scrubs and masks should not be applied around eyes. Avoid leaving under-eye creams overnight. Remove them gently with moist cotton wool after 15 minutes. Leaving it on all night can lead to puffiness.
The concept of beauty has undergone a real change over the last few decades. The emphasis has shifted from superficial treatments to a more positive approach that aims at protecting and preserving the natural beauty of the skin. Skincare with natural ingredients, based on the tried and tested Ayurvedic system, has shown a complete lack of harmful side effects and irritative reactions. Indeed, nature is not only an expert chemist but the best cosmetologist too.