RDA manifesto wants exclusion of central, state laws in affairs of tribals governed by councils

Shillong, Apr 9: The Regional Democratic Alliance (RDA) through its manifesto released on Tuesday highlights the need to ensure that the laws passed by the Centre and state are not applicable in trabal areas governed by the district councils in terms of social practices, customary laws, religious practices, civil and criminal courts, traditional institutions, land, forests, and minerals.
Full text of RDA manifesto below
Dear VOTERS of 1- Shillong Parliamentary Constituency,
As the general elections to the Lok Sabha approaches, the Regional Democratic Alliance
(RDA) comprising two prominent regional parties of the state, the United Democratic
Party and Hill State People’s Democratic Party would like to bring forth the following
issues before the electorate of 1- Shillong Parliamentary Constituency. Our candidate
Bah Robertjune Kharjahrin, will take up these issues seriously, when elected. For ease
of reading, each issue is highlighted point-by-point:
the listing of the proposed amendment to the Sixth Schedule in the next Parliament to
include the amendment to Paragraph 3 of the Sixth Schedule. The word “President”
should be replaced with the word “Governor” in paragraph 12 A (b) of the Sixth
Schedule, stating that laws passed by the Parliament and State Legislative Assemblies
shall not be applied in tribal areas regarding social practices, customary laws, religious
practices, civil and criminal courts, traditional institutions, land, forests, and minerals.
Additionally, to advocate for changes that would have the Governor acting on the advice
of the District Councils; to envision the spirit of Sixth Schedule Article 200; to push for
direct funding under Article 280; to increase fund allocation under Article 275; and to
advocate for Anti-Defection Laws
YOUTH WELFARE AND UNEMPLOYMENT:- To ensure that the youths of the state are given due attention, there is a need for an effective National Youth policy and National Sports Policy. Promotion of talents and support to talented youths in the fields of Sports, Games, Music, Films, Arts, Drama etc will be taken in right earnest.
Rehabilitation Centres require support and strengthening to fast-track recovery of
addicts. The policy to reserve 44 % to ST in Central Institutions/Offices in Groups
C & D need to be executed in letter and spirit. The introduction of special schemes,
such as soft loans, grants, subsidies, and interest-free loans to startups, will go a long
way towards empowering the youth of Meghalaya. Other issues include offering 100% reservation to state residents in contractual jobs and private sector. The RDA feels strongly about setting up of Special Economic Zones (SEZ) to boost investments and state’s economy. Additionally, efforts will be made to persuade the Indian government
to designate teachers and staff for the Eklaya Model Residential School in accordance
with the State Reservation Policy.
EDUCATION:- The RDA will examine matters concerning the National Education
Policy (NEP), the Three-language formula, CUET, increase of reservation of seats
in Technical and Higher Education, setting up of Engineering and Medical colleges,
establishment of top-notch Coaching Institutes for competitive exams and Skill
Development Centres in every district. To ameliorate the plight of students, efforts will
be made to provide Hostel facilities in major Indian cities. Apart from addressing issues
related to enrolment, the RDA would move to ensure interest-free student loans and
an increase in student subsidies. Concerns about funding, sustainability, and periodical
increment of key programmes such as SSA and RMSA will be pursued.
FARMERS’ AND AGRICULTURE WELFARE :- Efforts will be made in facilitating
introduction of fair price to farmers and raising the Minimum Support Price (MSP)
on Agricultural and Forest Produce. The RDA will address issues relating to Market
intervention Scheme, Soft loan and Interest Free loan to farmers, technology intervention,
setting up of agro-based Industry and Setting up of Agricultural Research Centre.
INFLUX:- To aggressively pursue the demand for implementation of the Inner Line
Permit (ILP).Efforts would be made to address issues of border fencing and setting up
of Police Border Wing.
PROTECTION & PROMOTION OF LANGUAGES :-To vigorously pursue the inclusion of Khasi & Garo Languages in the Eight Schedule to the Constitution of India and push for making ‘Khasi’ and ‘Garo” as qualifying languages, apart from English and Hindi, for recruitment to Central Government institutions in Meghalaya.
BOUNDARY ISSUE :- Regarding the International boundary settlement between India and Bangladesh, the RDA will push that the Fencing is from the Zero Line and that due
compensation be meted out to the people who lost their valuable land to Bangladesh. RDA will also take steps to urge the Government of India to settle the boundary dispute between Assam and Meghalaya as envisioned in the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India.
HOME AFFAIRS :- The RDA bats for meaningful peace talks with the (HNLC) and
other militant group(s) of the state and will pursue the efforts for a multifaceted strategy
to strengthen and modernize the police force to improve its effectiveness, efficiency,
accountability, and capacity to handle contemporary challenges. To impress upon the Central Government, the need for special efforts to counter the inflow of illicit narcotics
in the state.
TRIBAL WELFARE :- To boost Tribal Welfare, the RDA will push for review of
the ST & SC list in the State of Meghalaya, facilitate creation of the Tribal Legislators
National Forum and propose a National Policy on Tribal Welfare.
the Uniform Civil Code (UCC), anti-conversion laws, and to advocate for strong
legislation that will punish those who commit crimes against Christians and other
religious minorities.We shall make a significant effort to evaluate the arrangements
for foreign funding to the Christian organizations and other religious minorities. We shall address with utmost seriousness the issues surrounding the exemption of religious
institutions from income tax and the appointment of religious minority representatives to the National Minority Commission.
the interest of minorities, steps will be taken to seek exemption of the application of the
Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) in the entire State of Meghalaya. Opposition will be
made to imposition of Hindi language, one nation one culture, one nation one language,
one nation one religion or any other anti-minority laws and policies. Beef ban will be
vehemently opposed as part of the measures of protecting secular ideology & policy.
facilitate accordance of Minority Status to the Indigenous/ Native Faiths and creation of
the Khasi Cultural Institute under the Management and Control of Seng Khasi & Sein
the inclusion of Meghalaya’s freedom fighters in NCERT textbooks, including U Tirot
Sing Syiem, U Kiang Nangbah, Pa Togan Sangma, Ka Phan Nonglait, U Sngap Sing
Syiem, and others, and help spread awareness of the history and legacy of Meghalaya.
EXTERNAL AFFAIRS :- Protection of Khasi-Pnar & Garo people in Bangladesh and
Review of the Indo-Nepal Peace Treaty will occupy top priority in the RDA’s list of
issues concerning External Affairs. To further boost the state’s economy, strengthening
of Border Trade with neighbouring countries becomes paramount.
cadres for Meghalaya and increase in their cadre strength in the State of Meghalaya is
much required.
CLEAN GOVERNANCE :- Steps will be taken to tighten anti-corruption laws,
implement policies for accountable and responsible governance, and set up processes
for conducting social audits of all government projects and programs. Furthermore,
to establish an independent Monitoring Committee in each district, comprising of
community leaders, religious leaders, and experts, to oversee the execution of the MP
Schemes and other Central Schemes in the districts.
STRENGTHENING DEMOCRACY :- Efforts would be made for constitutional provision for pre-legislative consultation, strengthening the federal structure of the Indian Constitution, fostering pluralism, safeguarding the rights to freedom of speech and expression which includes rights of the Press & Media, introduction of laws to protect the rights of Whistle Blowers, RTI & Social Activists etc. There is also a need to take steps to prevent the misuse of sedition laws as also preventive and detention laws against individuals & groups.
WELFARE STATE POLICY :- India is a welfare state, and it is imperative that this
strategy be upheld at all costs. The public sector must be reinforced, corporate social
responsibility (CSR) funding must be expanded, and the social security policy must be strengthened.Citizens deserve the right to livelihood, right to live with dignity, right to
have nutritious food, right to shelter, right to access proper health care, right to work &
employment, right to clean air & clean environment, right to clean drinking water, right to education, right to be informed, right against exploitation, right to access for justice, right to social security, right to public service guarantee and right to privacy.It is our
endeavour to ensure that labour legislations are implemented in letter and spirit and that
minimum wages are enhanced annually. Further, there is a need for effective legislations aimed at the welfare of unorganized workers.
PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENT :– Efforts will be made to strengthen laws for
protection of environment & biodiversity, to find workable solutions to global warming
and to achieve UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Opposition to uranium
mining in the State of Meghalaya is at the top list because it may affect the environment
adversely. To review the Forest (Conservation) Amendment Act 2023 which de-reserves
the forest for the use of land for non-forest purpose and which provide exception of the
Act within 100 km of the International Border for the so-called strategic projects.
Disabilities Act 2016 and other allied legislations meant for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) need to be fully implemented in letter and spirit.Steps will be taken to ensure that Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) get affordable health insurance, social security, enhancement in enrollment in educational institutions, accessible and inclusive sports infrastructure for para-athletes, accessibility to work and socio-political inclusion.
HEALTH CARE :- Health and wellness are crucial for general well-being of state’s
population and steps will be taken to fecilitate the setting up and strengthen of health
centres, PHCs, CHCs, Civil Hospitals, and NEIGRIHMS & others. Priority will be given for providing free medicines to BPL households, addressing the needs of senior residents and expectant women, providing inexpensive and high-quality healthcare,raising the cost of health insurance plans, and improving ambulance and emergency services.
LAND AND MINERAL RIGHTS :- Attempts will be made to reviewthe impact of
the Central Land Act, Central Forest Act & the MMDR Act etc on the tribal land tenure
system and to also ensure that tribal land alienation is addressed appropriately.
WELFARE OF WOMEN :- The RDA fully supports the reservation of seats forwomen
in Parliament and State legislative Assemblies and work towards the implementation
at the earliest. Prioritizing issues on health care services including maternal and
reproductive health, access to pre-natal and post-natal care, strengthening support
system to combat gender-based violence. The RDA strongly feels that the contribution
of the Central Government to the monthly emoluments of Ashas, Aganwandi Workers
and Mid-day Meal Workers should be considerably enhanced to alleviate their problems.
PERSONAL COMMITMENT :- Our candidate, Bah Robertjune Kharjahrin, sincerely
wants the MP Office in Shillong to be open for public. When elected, our candidate
will make it a point to visit each of the 36 Legislative Assembly Constituencies under
the 1-Shillong Parliamentary Constituency at least twice a year, and more frequently,
if necessary, to assess how Central Schemes are being implemented, gain firsthand
knowledge of the concerns, grievances etc. There will be a WhatsApp number and email
address available for anyone for communication.It is also a personal endeavour of our
candidate to have a regular audience with community leaders, NGOs, religious leaders,
and intellectuals and to solicit views and suggestions thereunder.
In conclusion, dear voters, keeping in mind the issues highlighted above, we sincerely
appeal for your valuable support for our candidate on Voting Day, April 19, 2024, by
selecting the DRUM (KA BOM) symbol.