Shillong, March 23:. A transgender was arrested on Thursday in connection with the stabbing incident in Khyndailad, on Sunday.
According to the police, the arrested person from Mawlai referred as ‘she’ but in the official documents the name starts with Mr.
Financial dispute appears to be the cause of stabbing, police added.
25-year-old Zecharia Sohthiang, a resident of Mawtary, Mayrdon, Umsning was stabbed on March 19.
Zecharia told the investigating officer that he was stabbed by an unknown woman near Hotel Pegasus and that he could identify the female assailant.
Earlier in the Assembly, Deputy Chief Minister in-charge Home (Police) Prestone Tynsong appealed to concerned citizens to refrain from circulating information which are not genuine, especially on social media.
Prestone was replying to a zero hour notice moved by opposition VPP legislator from Mawlai Brightstarwell Marbaniang regarding the matter.
Tynsong said, “There are several reports which have been published regarding the incident, which are not in consonance with the reports of the police department, and as the investigation of the case is in progress, the facts about the case, will be shared with all stakeholders, as and when the investigation discovers real cause of the incident.”
“I also take this opportunity to appeal to all the concerned citizens, to let the law take its own course, and to refrain from circulating information which are not genuine, especially in social media,” he said.
The victim was referred to NEIGRIHMS for medical treatment.
An FIR filed by the sister of the victim P Sohthiang was registered with the Sadar police station.
During the course of the investigation it was discovered that the victim had forcibly boarded a private vehicle at Khyndailad near the road leading to Hotel Pegasus on March 18 around 9.45 pm and requested help from the four occupants of the vehicle to help him recover his scooty that he claimed had met with an accident at Mawprem.
On reaching Mawprem, Zecharia confessed to the occupants of the vehicle that he had been stabbed and requested them to take him to his temporary residence at Mawshbuit village under Madanriting police station.
The occupants of the vehicle along with the victim arrived at Mawshbuit around 12.30 am on March 19 and they handed the victim over to his two relatives, who were staying with him.
At 3.59 am, one of the relatives informed EMRI about the matter and requested for an ambulance. The victim was brought to Civil Hospital around 5.30 am by the two relatives in an EMRI ambulance, he said.
Later, he was admitted at NEIGRIHMS.