
Catholics celebrate Palm Sunday

Shillong, April 2: The Catholics in Meghalaya celebrated Palm Sunday by taking party in procession holding palm leaves and singing hymns of praise ‘Hosanna Hosanna’ and attending the Holy Mass in churches across the state.

Palm Sunday is celebrated by Catholics to commemorate the entry of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem  before he celebrated last supper and his crucifixion.


Palm Sunday is significant as it is the last Sunday of Lent, and marks the beginning of the Holy Week which includes Holy Thursday and Good Friday, before Easter.

Followers of other Christian denominations organised prayer meetings in their respective churches on Palm Sunday.

According to the New Testament,Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem with his disciples to celebrate Passover. When they reached the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of the disciples to get a donkey/colt for him to ride. He instructed them to untie it, and if anyone asked them why they were doing so, to tell them that the Master needed it. They did as he instructed, and brought the colt to him, laying their cloaks over it for him to sit on it.

As Jesus rode into the city, people spread their cloaks and palm branches on the road, proclaiming, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” The spectacle attracted the attention of those in the city, and many wondered who this man was.

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