Does ageing scare you? Tweak your lifestyle to remain fit
Regular exercise, healthy diet will help you age gracefully

“You don’t stop laughing when you grow old, you grow old when you stop laughing,” the famous quote by George Bernard Shaw is still relevant in the modern context. We all want to look great as we age and seek solutions in jars and bottles, potions and lotions promising timeless youth and beauty.
Age is no longer what it used to be. Getting older does not mean decline or despair. It’s a reason for celebration!
After all, with age comes experience, wisdom, peace and respect and expertise. There are many ways to age with grace, beauty and joy. Ageing is inescapable. So, why not age gracefully and beautifully and maybe get back that natural glow?
If you have been following a healthy diet and lifestyle, you will find that it delays visible ageing signs on your skin. Good health and fitness have many benefits where appearance is concerned. Regular exercise delays ageing changes and has a beneficial effect on both body and mind. It keeps the muscles and joints flexible and prevents problems like osteoporosis. Walking is excellent as it helps to exercise the entire body.
The benefits of exercise are extensive. Among them are the feel-good hormones which are produced when we exercise: endorphins. These make us happier and improve our energy levels. Running, tennis, gym, football, badminton, kho kho and belly dancing are also good. So, consult your doctor about taking up some regular exercise.
You are what you eat hits home when you pass 45. Along with exercise, adopt a healthy eating pattern with an emphasis on fresh fruits, unrefined cereals, salads, sprouts, lightly cooked vegetables, yoghurt and skimmed milk, clear soups and fresh fruit juices. The diet should be low in fats, sugar and starch, but high in vitamins and minerals. This kind of diet will raise your level of fitness and help your skin. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean protein and whole grains is highly advisable.
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It is never too late to start a regular skincare routine, selecting products according to the skin type. The skincare routine should include cleansing, toning, moisturising and nourishing. With age, the activity of the oil glands decreases and the skin becomes drier. Therefore, daily moisturising and nourishing help to keep the skin soft, supple and youthful.
Certain areas show ageing signs easily. So, pay special attention to the neck and the area around the eyes. Nowadays, specialised products are available for the care of particular areas, like the eyes. Avoid massaging the skin around the eyes as it can get easily pulled and stretched. The application of outer-eye creams helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin and prevent early wrinkles. The hands also begin to show neglect and ageing sooner than most other parts of the body.
Take two tablespoons of sunflower oil and three tablespoons of coarse sugar. Mix till it becomes a paste. Apply and rub into the skin of hands. Rinse off after 15 minutes.
Take weekly facials at a good beauty parlour. Professional massage, with cleansing, toning and mask, really helps to rejuvenate the skin. The skin’s ability to retain moisture improves and so does the process of cell renewal.
Recent scientific studies show that sun exposure causes spectacular changes in the skin and is the single most important cause of skin ageing. The effect of the sun, or photo-ageing, is much more profound than the passage of time. Therefore, sun protection with sun-block products is imperative.
Many anti-ageing ingredients are also easily available at home.
Green tea is a powerful antioxidant that helps to delay visible ageing signs. Take half a cup of water and two teaspoons of green tea. Bring the water to a boil. Put tea leaves in a ceramic bowl. Pour the hot water over it and keep for two minutes. Strain and cool the liquid. Apply on the face with cotton wool to tone the skin. Leave on.
Exfoliation removes dead skin cells and helps regeneration of new cells. Crush sesame seeds (til) coarsely and mix with honey. Add dried mint leaves. Or, mix almond meal with yoghurt for exfoliation. Apply on the face and rub gently on the skin with small circular movements. Wash off with water.
Boil carrots, cabbage and turnip in water. Strain, cool and use the water to wash the face. Mash the vegetables into a pulp and use it like a face mask. This helps to nourish the skin with Vitamin A and minerals.
Fruits like banana, apple, papaya and watermelon can be mixed together and applied as a face mask for all skin types. Papaya, rich in enzymes, cleanses the skin of dead cells and helps cell renewal. Banana tightens the skin. Apples and oranges are rich in vitamins and minerals. Watermelon hydrates the skin. Apply and wash off after 30 minutes.
For an anti-ageing face mask that also adds radiance, take half a teaspoon of wheatgerm oil and two drops of geranium oil. Add two teaspoons of oatmeal, a teaspoon of almond meal and orange juice. The pack is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin E, with powerful anti-ageing benefits.
Last but not least, your attitude is important. Keep an open mind. Never hesitate to try out something new in fashion or colours. You never know, it may suit you. Be subtle with make-up and accessories. Do not follow fashion fads. They may not be for you. Learn something new. Cultivate your interests and hobbies. They give another dimension to the personality.
According to Sophia Loren, the famous film star, “There is a fountain of youth – it is your mind, your talents and creativity that you bring to life and to the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”
But in the end, growing older beautifully means investing in the healthiest lifestyle possible in the body and mind.