Have flawless feet in monsoon with easy home care

With our fast-paced lifestyles, the feet witness the greatest amount of activity—walking, standing, running, nights out on the dance floor, and even the occasional morning jog. It’s fair to say that our feet have a tough schedule.
The feet are usually the body part to which we pay the least attention. Rough, cracked feet and heels are a year-round problem for many of us. From wearing sandals and walking barefoot in the summer to enduring cold air and blustery wind in the winter, life can be extra harsh on our heels.
Feet has fewer oil glands than other parts of the body. So, this can lead to dryness. Along with being unattractive, callused feet can also be extremely painful. When the skin of the foot and heel becomes very dry, it can crack open, leading to pain and the risk of infection.
Want soft feet? No need to waste money on expensive salon pedicures. There are several ways to improve the look and feel of your feet, including using a foot mask, a foot soak, exfoliation and moisturisation to remove dead skin.
Here are our best tips:
Curd: Curd is a natural skincare product. It has antibacterial properties that can be used to soften feet. Soak your feet in warm water for 5-10 minutes; remove and pat dry. Then, apply hanged sour curd in a thick layer and leave on for 30 minutes. Later, wash off with normal water. You should use this treatment at least 2-3 times every day along with essential oil application.
Curd is one of the best easily available natural skin moisturisers. The enzymes present in sour curd help in dissolving the dry, keratinised skin cells and penetrate the skin, thus loosening the barrier of dry skin in the heel area.
Mix 1 tablespoon of gram flour and 3 tablespoons of curd in a glass jar to make a smooth thick paste. Apply it on the foot area and let it dry for 30 minutes. Gently scrub with your fingertips or a pumice stone and wash off with lukewarm water. Pat dry and follow up with a foot cream.
Mix two tablespoons of besan and a tablespoon of yoghurt in a glass jar to make a thick paste. You may add rosewater as well. Scrub the mixture on your feet for about 10 minutes. Dip your feet in lukewarm water and rinse after a few minutes. This scrub will make your feet soft and supple.
Honey: Honey is considered a natural antiseptic that aids in healing cracked feet. It is also a good humectant that moistens the skin and prevents drying of the skin.
Crush two tablets of camphor in a glass bowl. Add a tablespoon of honey to it. Apply the mixture on your feet and scrub well. Leave it on for a few minutes. Rinse your feet after the procedure. Camphor soothes dry skin while honey moisturises.
Mix two tablespoons of sandalwood powder and a tablespoon of honey in a glass jar to form a fine paste. Apply this mixture to your feet and let it rest for 30 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water.
Mix a cup of honey into a tub of warm water. Clean the feet and steep in this mixture, massage soothingly for 30 minutes. Dry your feet and apply moisturiser. Regularly do this before going to bed for a few weeks.
Pedicure: Although we dream of pedicure to be a relaxing experience, the Indian concept of relaxing tired feet through acupressure massage is based on the fact that our feet contain vital nerves that regulate the functions of vital organs right from the spine to the heart and the stomach. The shape of your feet might hold clues to your health and the foot can say many things about you, demonstrating health indicators and physical traits like dry or cracked feet are the result of nutritional deficiency.
The skin of the feet is commonly thick and dry and you need to take a regular foot care regime dedicated to beautiful and glowing feet.
An organic pedicure uses natural oils and products containing natural substances. Nowadays, foot spa treatments have also gained in popularity. They can be combined with pedicures. Foot spa includes exfoliation and massage, to reduce fatigue, tone the muscles, improve blood circulation and induce relaxation.
For a home pedicure, you will need a nail brush, pumice stone or heel scrubber, nail clippers, emery board, cotton wool, cotton buds, massage cream, polish remover, nail polish and a small tub for soaking the feet.
First remove old polish if necessary with the remover, using cotton wool.
Soak your feet in warm water, and add some herbal shampoo and any vegetable oil, like sunflower or olive oil. You can also add coarse salt. Let the feet soak for 15 minutes. Then clean the nails with the brush. The brush should not be too hard. Use the pumice stone on the heels and side of the soles. Avoid metal scrubbers. You can also scrub the entire feet with a rough towel or loofah. When this is done, wash the feet in clean water. Dry with a towel.
If your nails need cutting, better to use a nail clipper. Toenails should be cut straight across. Avoid shaping toenails as it can lead to in-growing nails. Use the emery board to smoothen them. Do not cut the cuticles of the toenails. Do not use sharp instruments to clean the nails. Apply almond oil and push back gently with a cotton bud.
Then, give the feet a scrub treatment. Mix ground almonds with yoghurt and some sugar. Apply them on the feet. After 15 to 20 minutes, rub gently on the skin with circular movements. Pay attention to the heels. Wash off with water. Then massage the feet with olive oil or sunflower oil. Wipe off excess cream with a moist towel. Mix one tablespoon each of lemon juice and honey with 50 ml of rose water. Apply on the feet. Lie down and relax for half an hour. Wash it off with plain water.
Apply oil and massage on feet and nails. Pay special attention to the heels, applying more oil if needed. Use upward strokes for the massage, from the toes towards the ankles. Wipe the feet with a moist towel.
Mix a little lemon juice with honey and apply on the feet. Wash it off with plain water after 15 minutes. This moisturises and softens the skin.
If you wish to apply polish, put some cotton wool between the toes. Apply the nail varnish in broad strokes, from the base of the nail to the nail tips. After the first coat dries, apply the second coat of colour.
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