
KAM gives account of donations ahead of polls

Shillong, Jan 11: Atleast Rs 9.26 lakh was  received as donation by the KAM Meghalaya.

The organisation is fielding three caundidates for the Assembly elections.


“Till December 31, 2022, people had donated Rs 9,26,636. These donations have ranged from 200 rupees to 1,00,000 rupees,” KAM leader and candidate from South Shillong Angela Rangad told reporters on Wednesday.

“Out of the total donations, Rs 4,36,200 (47%) has been donations from Meghalaya and the rest from other parts of India. Some of the local donations have also been in kind like milk, tea leaves and rice,” she said.

Angela said the members of KAM Meghalaya have always fought for transparency and accountability in electoral finances of political parties and campaigns.

The other two candidates are Kyrsoibor Pyrtuh from North Shillong and Wanpynhun Kharsyntiew from East Shillong.

Rangad said that the KAM is in its second phase of fundraising and the response has been extremely encouraging.

“Since the day KAM Meghalaya decided to jump into the electoral fray to provide a viable, progressive alternative to the people of Shillong, its three candidates have been committed to build our campaign grounds up,” she said.

In the last seven months, she said they have been going door-to-door to speak to families and understand their issues as well as their expectations.

70 per cent of houses visited

She said each candidate has personally visited most of the households (around 70%) and have personally interacted with close to 30% individual voters in each constituency. Apart from these we have also been interacting with our electors through a series of pocket meetings & street meetings, she said.

“Unlike the other political parties who have hired corporate political consultants and surveyors, KAM Meghalaya candidates have circulated a participatory survey form for our electors to participate and provide their inputs to the manifesto we are preparing,” she said.

Sharing the feedback they got from the people, Rangad said, “95% of our electors have said that their representative should make laws that improve the lives of people.

Over 90% of the electors demand an honest, non-corrupt, accessible, and fair representative who offers an alternative to nepotism and favouritism.

About 50% of our responders have expressed their desire to have a representative with a reputation of honesty and with a track record of working in the interest of people.”

She said that they are in the process of analyzing the other data from the survey which will form part of People’s Manifesto for the constituency as well as for the state.

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