
Peace panel hits rejection hurdle by Mawlai headmen

Demands include punishment to killers of Cherish & shifting of CRPF camp

Shillong, Aug 17: Headmen of various localities of Mawlai have put conditions to be part of peace committee formed by the government.

A meeting was held on Tuesday at Mawlai Mawdatbaki community hall  convened by Mawlai Town Dorbar and attended by headmen, pressure groups, local MLA, MDC and others.


The meeting refused to be part of the peace committee until police personnel involved in the killing  of Cherishstarfield Thangkhiew are suspended.

The meeting also decided not to allow men in uniform to patrol the area as the headmen felt that they can handle the situation and wanted the deputy commissioner to empower them.

They also demanded  shifting of CRPF camp within 3 months.

The headmen appealed to the youth who snatched away weapons from police men to return them and assured  to keep their identity secret .

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