Shillong, Apr 10: The returning officer, Shillong Parliamentary seat SC Sadhu has issued two show-cause notices to the VPP for violation of model code of conduct.
One is against the use of a YouTube channel to target the NPP candidate Ampareen Lyngdoh and another is for disrupting the campaigns of the NPP candidate.
The first notice reproduced below
Dared Shillong, the 9th April 2024
To : The President, Voice of the People Party.
Sub : Violation of Model Code of Conduct.
“Whereas a complaint has been received by the office of the undersigned for using social media to create fake news against the contesting candidate of the National People’s Party through a Youtube video link at (i) https://youtu.be/sIHdm-E7WIw?si=iRWsDPc-PGytg9hB and (ii) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOj8oluvL18 (uploaded on 03.04.2024).In this connection, you are requested to respond to the above matter on or before the 11th April 2024”.
Returning Officer, 1-Shillong (ST) Parliamentary Constituency (Lok Sabha)
Dated Shillong, the 9th April 2024
Copy to Auspicious L. Mawphlang, Election Agent of Dr. Mazel Ampareen Lyngdoh, NPP, for information.
Second notice reproduced below
To : The President, Voice of the People Party.
Sub : Violation of Model Code of Conduct.
“Whereas a complaint dated Shillong, the 9th April, 2024 has been received by the office of the undersigned that on the evening of the 8th of April, 2024 during the election campaign organized by the National Peoples’ Party at Jaiaw, East Khasi Hills District, Meghalaya, supporters of the Voice of the People’s Party began to disrupt the campaign / meeting.
Whereas, the Voice of the Peoples’ Party supporters resorted to sloganeering and thus disrupt the meeting causing it to be cancelled before time.
Whereas, with the announcement of schedule of General Election to Lok Sabha- 2024 by the Election Commission of India vide Press Note dated 16.03.2024, the Model Code of Conduct comes into operation with immediate effect from 16.03.2024.
Whereas, Model Code of Conduct guidelines for political parties and candidates states that, ‘Political parties and candidates shall ensure that their supporters do not create obstructions in or break up meetings and processions organized by other parties. Workers or sympathizers of one political party shall not create disturbances at public meetings organized by another political party by putting questions orally or in writing or by distributing leaflets of their own party. Processions shall not be taken out by one party along places at which meetings are held by another party. Posters issued by one party shall not be removed by workers of another party’.
Now, therefore giving you an opportunity to be heard, you are hereby directed to show cause on or before 12th April, 2024 as to why action should not be taken against you under relevant provisions of the Model Code of Conduct”.
Returning Officer, 1-Shillong (ST) Parliamentary Constituency (Lok Sabha)