Treat winter acne at home, choose healthy diet

Nothing much blooms in winter, but acne may be an exception. Acne is a chronic skin condition that can remain troublesome all year round. However, the problem could aggravate considerably, especially during the winter season.
Winter, a season known for its low humidity levels, makes the most superficial layer of our skin (epidermis) go dry which leads to acne breakouts. The weather dries skin that eventually increases the production of sebum, a type of oily and waxy substance that the small glands of the skin secrete. Sebum helps keep the skin moist and supple, but too much can make the cells stick to each other. This can lead to clogged pores and acne breakouts.
Luckily, winter acne is both treatable and preventable. Where clogged pores and acne are concerned, prevention is better than cure. Cleansing is very important to prevent clogged pores, especially since oily skins attract more impurities. The pores have to be free of hardened oil.
Use a cleanser, which is specially formulated for normal to oily skin. A cleansing lotion or face wash may be used. For oily skin problems, like spots, pimples and acne, use a medicated soap or cleanser, which helps to remove impurities without disturbing the acid-alkaline balance.
An astringent lotion is also an integral part of the cleansing of oily skin as it not only reduces oiliness but also shrinks the pores. After washing the face, wipe it with an astringent lotion, using cotton wool. If it is too harsh, mix the astringent lotion with rose water in equal quantities and use it. Or, use a rose-based skin tonic. For oily skin, rosewater can be mixed with cucumber juice in equal quantities to cleanse and close the pores.
Exfoliation is an important aspect in the cleansing of oily skin. This involves the use of scrubs, which should be rubbed gently on the skin and washed off with water. They help to remove dead skin cells, refining the pores and keeping them free of hardened oil. They also improve skin texture.
You can make a scrub at home by mixing oats with rosewater and applying it on the face. Rub gently with circular movements and wash off with water. This not only helps to prevent blackheads, but also to close the pores gradually. However, do not use scrubs on pimples and acne. Also, avoid using soap and water several times a day.
You can also mix oats with egg white and apply on the areas with open pores twice a week. Wash it off when it is dry. This would work like a scrub and also tighten the pores. Dry and powdered orange and lemon peels can also be added to facial scrubs and masks.
In winter, oily skin may also need moisturiser since the cold weather tends to aggravate dryness. However, avoid applying heavy and oily creams. You can apply a light moisturising lotion. Or, apply aloe vera gel. It moisturises the skin without making it oily. It also makes the skin soft and smooth. One must keep in mind to pick a moisturiser that suits their skin type.
A Vitamin C serum would help oily skin and prevent clogged pores. Vitamin C is rich in antioxidants, keeping the skin healthy, while serums are light and normally water-based and are thus ideal for oily skin. Orange peels are a rich source of Vitamin C. In fact, the peels are said to contain more Vitamin C than the fruit itself. Dried and powdered orange peels can be used in scrubs and masks, to absorb oil and tighten the pores. Grind fresh orange peels into a paste. Add oats and rosewater and apply the pack on the face to minimise pores and even blemishes.
Diet is important. If the system is congested, it reflects on the skin. Keep the system cleansed by including fresh fruits, raw salads, sprouts, whole grains and yogurt in your daily diet. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily. Add the juice of a lemon to a glass of tepid water and have it first thing in the morning.
There are various benefits offered by flaxseed oil. Apart from health benefits, flaxseed oil can do wonders for the skin. It has abilities to hydrate the skin and enhance the texture of the skin by making it smooth and decreasing the dryness and irritation of the skin.
Exercising pumps more oxygen in the body that eventually helps in keeping the skin healthy and glowing. Moreover, it will also help in keeping you warm and active.