
CEM presents deficit budget of Rs 55,080 in KHADC

Shillong, June 24: The KHADC Chief Execution Member Pyniaid Sing Syiem on Saturday presented a deficit budget of Rs 55,080 for 2023-24.

The anticipated expenditure stood at Rs 253,12,59,690 while the estimated revenue is Rs 253,12,04,610 thereby the deficit budget standing at Rs 55,080.


Syiem said the state government in the previous years (2020-2021 and 2021-2022) had released funds under the 15th Finance Commission and the council received the second installment of funds  for 2020-2021 and 2022-2023 in addition to the first installment for 2020-2021 in the form of tied grant.

Syiem hoped that the government will release the remaining funds soon.

Shifting of Council 

Syiem also mentioned in the budget on the need to get land in the New Shillong Township for shifting of the council’s office as the  existing premises of the council office at Garikhana is too congested.

Service rules & traditional medicine 

The KHADC CEM halso tabled the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council Service (Amendment) Rules 2023 and the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (Protection and Promotion of Khasi Traditional Medicines) (First Amendment) Bill, 2023.

The service rule amendment is aimed at increasing the age limit for applying for jobs from the present 32 years to 37

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