
Central BJP leader harps on development than ILP

Shillong, Aug1: The central BJP leader, Arun Singh who completed his Meghalaya tour, harped on development instead of ILP.

When a question on ILP was asked during the press conference on Sunday, Singh, who is the national general secretary, said, “My point is let us discuss about the progress. Progress is top priority. What the people want. People want house, people want employment, people want to drink safe water, they want health coverage. So that is the priority of the people. They want good road, rail connectivity, airport connectivity. We are concentrating on those issues that are more important. Let us concentrate on these issues. If some problem on these issues are there definitely one should raise. Everyone should be happy and their basic standard of living should be improved and that is our main aim for which we are working”, he said.


GHADC corruption

To a query, the BJP leader said the development schemes should be properly utilised whether these schemes are with the councils or the government.

Beef comments

Singh said he is not aware of the comments made by cabinet minister Sanbor Shullai asking people to eat more beef.

However, he said definitely the BJP is not in favour of more beef consumption.

Free ration

He said Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that 80 crore people will get free ration of five kg till November due to Covid.

“We have planned out that our party workers will reach out to every village and every ration shops and they will ensure the food grains announced by Modi reach the people”, Singh said.

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