
Worshipping places may be hurdle for Harijan Colony relocation

Shillong, Oct 27: Five worshipping places in Harijan Colony may be a hurdle for relocation of the area.

A church (in picture), gurdwara, Valmiki,  Shiv and Durga temples were established several years ago in the area.


Secretary, Harijan Panchayat Committee, Gurjit Singh said patta was granted by the Syiem of Mylliem for the religious places. “This patta is significant as religious places cannot exist without people’,” he said.

Complex of Valmiki, Shiv and Durga temples

He said the gurdwara was constructed in 1872 wIth wooden structure and it was renovated with concrete building in 1893. Later, it was restructured after demolishing it  in 2015.

The Valmiki  mandir was also established in 1872. The Shiv Mandir and Durga temple were constructed in 1904 while the CNI church was established in 1970s.

Gurdwara in Harijan Colony

When contacted, a legal expert said the implications of worshipping places will have to be examined.

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