
HYC against NEIGRIHMS recruitment without locals

Shillong, Jan 22: The Hynniewtrep Youth Council (HYC) has set a 10-day ultimatum to the North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS) to respond to the 6-point charter of demands on the recruitment process in the institute.

The HYC sent a letter to the Director of the Institute.


HYC president Roy Kupar Synrem said the council is against anti-tribal/anti-local policies of the NEIGRIHMS management in the past few months as the job opportunities to local indigenous youth and job applicants were denied.

“We hope and urge upon you as the Head of the Institute to consider our just and reasonable demands for the welfare of our youths and the State as a whole and inform to us within a period of 10 days failing we shall be compelled to call upon all our youths and job aspirants to march to NEIGRIHMS and to put your office building under lock and key.”

The HYC president said the decision by NEIGRIHMS to recruit Nursing Officers through NORCET has greatly affected the local youths and serving local indigenous nurses in the Institute to get opportunity to be employed in the Institute.

“Hence, we demand that recruitment should be done by NEIGRIHMS itself and the decision to recruit nurses through NORCET should be recalled and cancelled forthwith,” he said.

He said, “The recruitment for various posts of staff/employees in the Institute should be done by NEIGRIHMS and not by any outside agency and the recruitment process should be conducted in Meghalaya and not outside. That the outsourcing agency(s) should be appointed from amongst the qualified local agencies and not from outside the sate.”

He said the HYC also demanded that all the contractual or casual jobs should be specifically given to indigenous local qualified candidates and a one-time absorption policy should be implemented to absorb all those nurses who have been employed on contractual basis for a considerable period of time in the Institute.

“For jobs under Group B and C categories, there should be 80% reservations for local indigenous youths of the state,” Synrem further added.

Response of Ampareen 

Health Minister Ampareen Lyngdoh said job examinations in NEIGRIHMS should be conducted within the state of Meghalaya.

“To my knowledge, henceforth examinations that are going to be conducted should ideally be conducted within the boundaries of the home state which is within the state of Meghalaya,” Lyngdoh told reporters on Monday.

“We have also indicated that there are enough services providers who will be able to conduct these examinations as per the requirements of NEIGRIHMS and I do not anticipate that in the next vacancy NEIGRIHMS will deviate from that because we have taken it up all the way to the highest authority which is the Department of Health, Government of India,” she said.

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