
KSU wants KHADC to ban sale of land to defence

Shillong, July 14: The KSU has asked the KHADC to come up with an order to prohibit sale of land to any defence authority.

The KSU Eastern Border Area and Shillong Mihngi Circle sought the intervention of the KHADC Chief Executive Member Titosstarwell Chyne for necessary action.


The move is after the KSU received information that a few agents (dalals) are planning to sell land at Wah Swad Umsohlang Khyrim Syiemship which falls under the jurisdiction of the council to the BSF.

There is also a move to sell land at Lumkseh, Wahmyntait, Mawkduk, Kyrdeng, Lum Diengngan, Lumrit, Mowkynring and other villages.

“The delegation today urged the CEM to look into the matter and ensure this move by such vested interest is not allowed and to come up with an order to inform all the Himas and villages that they cannot sell any land to the defence authority,” said the union in a statement.

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