Sunday Monitor
Peace an illusion

‘Charge brigades’ era are put to laid;
Soldiers long dismantled, ‘barricade’;
Of humans re-awaken from the past;
Preclusion of war, wide-ranging task.
Prejudice impregnates, ‘cold war’;
Birth of hatred infested, thus soar;
Peace an illusion, a myth foretell;
Event of warfare fatalities in hell.
We watched armed conflict with haze,
That the ‘warpaths’ are on for a blaze;
Young children in biting cold they flee,
Fled their homes, tag as the ‘refugee’.
Now the Russians invaded Ukraine,
Censures, sanctions poured like rains;
‘Brute invader’, caused err and dreary;
On the guiltless folks weak and weary.
Sonny L Khyriem