
Visva Bharati University suspends admission over students’ protest

Santiniketan, August 31 (UNI): Continuous agitation against the rustication orders to three students on disciplinarian ground forced the Visva Bharati University (VBU) authorities here to suspend the admission process for the new academic year.

The agitation by a section of the students, which entered the fourth day on Tuesday, has virtually crippled the centrally-sponsored institution of excellence and the VBU authorities were forced to suspend its admission process temporarily until further order.


The students are on a sit-in demonstration outside the residence of Vice-Chancellor Bidyut Chakraborty, who allegedly could not get out of home to attend his office.

In a notification, the university official in charge of admissions said, “I am [Coordinator of Admission Cell] directed to notify that, because the vice-chancellor, Visva Bharati, is currently under siege, the admission process in various courses at Visva Bharati cannot process as usual. As the Vice-Chancellor is the Chairman of the Central Admission Committee as well as of the Visva Bharati Admission Coordination Cell, his valuable suggestions, advice, and approval are routinely required.”

“For this, the Admission Cell needs the physical presence of the Vice-Chancellor in his office. Given these unfavourable circumstances, as directed by the competent authority, the admission process stands temporarily suspended. Therefore, the proposed dateline may also be treated as cancelled.”

Countering the VBU order, one of the affected students said, “The university is attempting to force the agitating students to withdraw from the protest as the admission method is an online process and it has got nothing to do with our protest. The institute should withdraw the notice and start the admission and also withdraw the rustication order.”

The students were demanding withdrawal of the rustication order on Somnath Sow, Falguni Pan and Rupa Chakraborty. The three were expelled from the institution on August 23 for “disrupting the academic atmosphere”.

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