
VPP against casinos, cherry blossom festival

Shillong, Sept 16: The Voice of the People Party (VPP) has condemned the insensitivity and the arrogance of the MDA government by deciding to introduce casinos in the state.

In a statement issued here, VPP president Ardent Miller Basaiawmoit said this has been manifested by the refusal of the government to accept the private member’s bill, brought by the member  North Shillong Constituency, in the just concluded Assembly session to repeal the Meghalaya Regulation of Gaming Act 2021 brought in by the present government.


He said the statement of the chief minister to suspend the process is nothing but an attempt to pacify the people, especially the church leaders under the banner of KJCF who have voiced their concern against the irresponsible act of the government.

“There was also no clarity even in the statement made by the chief minister that the government will repeal this act. He merely mentioned that there will be no further action on the matter.

However, he clearly explained that the process which has been put in place before will not be done away with,” Basaiawmoit said.

According to Basaiawmoit, this implies that whatever decisions that have been made will stay. It also means that licences that have been issued, as stated by the Minister James Sangma on the floor of the House will remain valid.

Cherry blossom festival under flak 

The VPP president said another issue of serious concern is the decision of the government to hold the cherry blossom festival which has already drawn flak from various quarters.

He said the festival does not in any way reflect the culture and the traditions of the people of the state, instead it only brings in undesirable activities that are detrimental to the society.

If media reports prove to be right, the state government will have to avail a loan to meet the expenses of this festival and the people of the state have every right to oppose and question the decision of the government to hold these sorts of festival in the state, he said.

Meghalaya is already a debt- ridden state, he said adding that more loans will worsen the financial condition of the state.

“We, therefore, would like to tell those who are at the helm of affairs in the state  to stop these wasteful and unproductive activities for the best interest of the state and its people,” he said.

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