
Khasi new year celebrated

Shillong,Nov 6: Torches were lit at the courtyard of Spiton Kharakor on the midnight of November 4 to mark the onset of the Khasi new year the following day (November 5).

The man behind the idea of a formal celebration of the Khasi new year day,  Kharakor narrated the discussion during the death anniversary of his friend, B Nishan Wahlang where Herman Nongrum disclosed his encounter with the deceased where they ultimately resolved to take an oath for the acknowledgement of secular and divine conscience or Tipbriew Tipblei in Khasi parlance at every dawn of a new day in a year. Thereafter, Kharakor conducted research and discovered the process of the Khasi ethnic system of seasons and the beginning of a new day each year. Riti Academy was entrusted with the task of compiling and publishing the ethnic calendar based on the lunar cycle of moon phases, which is the usual calculation of the rural people in the agrarian method.


In a statement issued, Raphael Warjri of Riti Academy said during the celebration, Kharakor and Nongrum shared their experience  where the convergence of ideas emerged for a befitting observation of the Khasi new year day, which fell on the occasion of moon rise on November 4 this year.

The annual cycle will conclude on November 23, this year, which coincides with the fifth death anniversary of Wahlang, to which more thoughts are delved upon for a solemn celebration. Consequently, care is being taken to coordinate the Khasi lunar calendar with the conventional Gregorian calendar for universal purpose. In this regard, the gathering proposed a core committee of resourceful stakeholders for a meaningful celebration in future.

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