North East

Manipur pays tribute to women freedom fighters

Imphal, Dec 12 (UNI): Manipuri women who led from the forefront in the past in various wars and are still leading in times of conflicts were paid rich tributes and honour by people of Manipur led by Chief Minister N Biren Singh.

Floral tributes were paid at the memorial complex here on Sunday to women freedom fighters who fought against the British empire during the Second Nupi Lal (women’s war) 1939.


N Biren Singh announced that Nupie Lal complex would be developed as a modern complex soon. For this, the chief minister informed, the state government had earmarked Rs 1.30 crore in the budget.

He stated that the present generation should remember the courage and sacrifices made by the forefathers and womenfolk during different periods of Manipur’s history.

Stating that the government has been trying to bring the reminiscence of those who had sacrificed their lives for the motherland, Singh said a memorial pillar dedicated to the brave sons of the soil, who were exiled to Andaman and Nicobar Islands after the Anglo-Manipur War, 1891, had been erected near Shaheed Minar, besides erecting statues of Maharaj Nara Singh and Herachandra at Maharaj Gambhir Singh complex. He also said a statue of Hijam Irabot had also been developed at Lilashing Khongnangkhong, besides declaring Irabot Day as a state function.

The chief minister further said the Centre had also acknowledged the contribution of the freedom fighters of Manipur. He added that women of Manipur had always been proactive in different social issues from time to time.

“In fact, they had endured enough hardships, whether it was during the Nupee Lals of 1904 or 1939 or in different unrest situations that had plagued the State for decades,” he said.

“They have contributed enough for the State and now, they deserve to enjoy a peaceful and comfortable life, and it is what the present Government has been trying to offer to them,” he added.

Minister Letpao Haokip said the contributions of the women of Manipur in different issues were commendable. He also remembered the courage and sacrifice of Manipuri womenfolk in two women’s wars of 1904 and 1939.

A play that depicted the Nupee Lal of 1939 was also staged.

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