
Youth Cong launches season 2 of free speech campaign

Shillong,April 25: Indian Youth Congress (IYC) has launched season 2 of ‘Young India Ke Bol’ a national speech competition.

The initiative launched on Friday is to counter intolerance existing in the country.


The youth congress pointed out the arrest of  Congress legislator Jignesh Mevani from Gujarat in Assam for a controversial tweet on Prime Minister Narendra Modi..

The IYC national spokesperson and in-charge NorthEast, Gaurav Jain and the team of IYC members launched the event to attract youths and intellectuals towards politics and Congress.

The competition is a platform for the youths to speak on important issues plaguing the country .

According to Jain, the youths across the country are angry with the anti-people policy of the Modi government as right to freedom of speech and expression is being crippled by the government and speech competition is a platform for the youths to express their views and ideas at the national platform.

The competition will be held from June 1 to July 3 at the district headquarters. Following this,  from August 1 to September 20, the state level competition will be held at the headquarters of all the states. On September 30, October 1 and 2, the national level competitions will be held at the Indian Youth Congress Headquarters in New Delhi.

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